We customize a portfolio strategy based on your plan, focusing on long-term returns. Market volatility is hard to predict, so rather than market timing, we use the GHPIA Valuation Benchmark process to determine the relationship between risk and reward.
In developing your investment strategy, we account for several factors including your investment goals, time horizon, liquidity needs, risk tolerance, tax impact, economic conditions, and international exposure.
Taking the Emotion Out of Investing
Our Fiduciary Duty
It seems like common sense; your financial advisor should work in your best interest. Isn’t that always the case? Not necessarily. Whether you choose to work with GHPIA or another advisor, we encourage you to know exactly what a fiduciary relationship means. As an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), we do not consider our fiduciary relationship with clients to be a burden. It is the way we entered the field more than 20 years ago, and it is the way we will continue to treat our clients into the future. We establish a straightforward, transparent relationship where we work to find investment opportunities to help meet your financial goals.
Market Perspectives
Gain key insights from our trusted and respected wealth managers. Keep up with current market conditions that may impact your financial future.
Giving Thanks By Giving Back
Here are several tax-efficient giving strategies that can maximize your contributions and make your go donations further.
Jackson’s Pie Recipe
Just like a great financial plan, this pecan pie blends tradition and care to create something truly rewarding. Featuring toasted pecans, dark chocolate, and a hint of vanilla, it’s a...