Are Your Affairs in Order? - GHPIA
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Are Your Affairs in Order?

Financial by Deirdre McGuire , Wealth Advisor and Director of Business Development
November 11, 2020

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airplane cockpit instrument panel
Photo by Paul Brennan/Pixabay

Imagine being the pilot of a long nonstop flight. Imagine the alertness and vigilance required — you must constantly check speed, fuel, miles, altitude, and temperature gauges. You would never wait to correct an issue until you see flashing red lights, when it may already be too late. Rather, you would be constantly monitoring to ensure the flight path is clear and making the necessary adjustments.

It may seem obvious that a pilot needs to monitor all systems throughout the long flight. Yet when it comes to our finances, we often put our interests on autopilot and hope for the best.

Consider these scenarios:

These stories illustrate the potential impact of having your financial affairs on autopilot. Life throws us headwinds and storms, and we sometimes deviate from the flight path. Reviewing your affairs will give you an opportunity to think about what is most important to you and how you can best protect yourself and those closest to you.

At GHP Investment Advisors (GHPIA), we recommend clients not only plan for death but also for life. Address what you want to happen should your ability to make decisions become impaired and express those wishes to your family.

The GHPIA Financial Concierge team seeks ways to assist clients with matters beyond their investment portfolios. GHPIA was founded on the premise that financial planning, investments, and tax planning should be inextricably linked. Consequently, we reach out to our clients each year to review their balance sheet, income statement, and insurance coverage, as well as their estate planning and other easily overlooked financial items. This process helps us maintain a 30,000-foot perspective of our clients’ overall financial wellbeing and allows us to partner with our clients to help ensure that they’re keeping their affairs in order.

Don’t wait for flashing red flights or an issue to occur. Put your pilot hat on firmly and take control.

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Click the “Download PDF” button below to get a printable version of this article, including two checklists you can save, one with the questions you should ask yourself about your preparations, and one to help you keep track of your important financial documents and other key information.

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